International food Day is celebrated yearly on the 16th of October.

Food is an energy resource and an indispensable sustainer of human life.The 2021 World Food Day is titled, “Safe Food Today for a Healthy Tomorrow”.

Food as we know it is any substance consumes by humans. Such foods may be of animal or plant origin. Food variants may contain nutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. Sadly enough, food as a major sustainer of life, meant to provide nutritional as well as health sustaining needs of the human body, has become a poison.

Food crops cultivation and subsequent utilization starts from planting, harvesting, processing, and followed by preservation. Experts now report that the use of inorganic fertilizer (NPK typically) in planting has been shown to lead to introduction of miscellaneous poisonous substances in the final harvested produce. This poisoning has been further elevated through the use of various questionable preservation methods currently in circulation, which have been shown to contain food poisons. The numerous ailments in circulation in society today cannot be dissociated from the many food contaminants.

World-wide currently, there is the wide circulation of food crops derived from so-called genetically modified organisms (GMO) plant species.

Defying nature as it is in the name of mass production of food to feed the world still raises unanswered questions. We must say no to GMO foods and products, eat natural healthy foods. There’s need to adopt organic farming for healthy food production and safer environment.

The Niger Delta state of Nigeria, following the continuous, widespread exploration of petroleum oil resources activities, is heavily polluted. The message, therefore is: Stop fishing in polluted water! Stop farming on polluted land! Stop activities such as food drying, using the petrochemically derived flare gas! This is because the human system cannot accommodate the end products, namely the heavy metals and toxic chemicals contained in food substances derived from these heavily polluted environments.

Modern farmers, and food marketers, mostly inexperienced, are part of the problem of plants and food poisoning. They make use of chemicals randomly as pesticides and preservatives in food production without due regard for safety and health of the end users of the farm produce.

Food is our life energy and we cannot do without it. But unfortunately some people cannot afford a meal while some do but cannot eat because of some health challenges. Together we can save life by preserving our food and its source. We can secure a healthy Life for our children, and the younger generation since they are the future of every nation.

No food no life!. No good food no healthy life! Happy world food safety day.

#Eat healthy balance food
#You can help us put food on the table of Our indigent Children, Vulnerable individuals and our women. Thank you.

Signed by: Dr. Mfon Utin (CEO of Healthy Life Development Initiative)