Marking The 16 Days of Activism

Violence is any intentional forceful act that has the capability of causing harm. It may be either physical, psychological, or both. The rate of reported increase of violence against women and girls (VAWG) worldwide is alarming. Yet there are many cases out there that are not mentioned because of restricted reporting in such region. The situation continues to worsen due to the impunity, silence, stigma, shame, family issues, etc.

According to the United Nations, acts of violence against women are gender-based violence of any form  resulting in either physical, sexual, or mental harm or women suffering from acts such as coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether in public or in private life. Violence of this class can be the result of an intimate relationship, broken partnership or discord within the family setting.

The international day calling for the elimination of all forms of violence against women is celebrated on the 25th of November yearly. This year’s theme remains “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” with the continuation of the 16 Days of Activism launched beginning from November 25 to  December 10. The Rivers State ministry of Health tags this year’s activism as “End Violence Against Women”. We as as an organization also add our voice to “Say No to any form of Violence against Women”.

Violence against women is caused by substance abuse, class, age, illiteracy, culture, etc.

Irresponsible acts on the part of some men in the family have led to a lot of pain and even death in families. There is need to educate, create more awareness, advocate for women’s wellbeing,  safety, rights, etc. because a lot of women have lost their lives due to various acts of violence from their partners. Even some of the girl-children are abused by their fathers especially, the stepfathers.

On this note, Healthy Life Development Initiative (HLDEi), in collaboration with the Rivers State Ministry of Health, celebrated the event on November 28, 2021. With women and some men in attendance, the discussion dwelt on the theme: ‘Gender violence against women: Say No to it! The aim was to create awareness, educate, and build their capacity towards personal development and to help them understand the right steps for women to take when faced with such issues.

It was equally an opportunity to address the men and encourage them to live peacefully with women. The speaker Pastor Mrs. Pamela Romeo expressed her displeasure at the fact that even women are involved in perpetrating this wickedness against their fellow women and girls, and encouraged all to desist from all acts of violence against women and girls.

As we all know, the joy of every home depends on the relationship among family members.

The women were also encouraged to support their partners and do things that will bring peace and harmony in their family.

The women and girls were also advised to seek help immediately whenever they were faced with danger.

We are all saying, “No to any form of violence against the women/girls” because their health is our major concern.

#Say No to violence

#Stop the violence

# Together we can end the violence

Signed by: Dr. Mfo Utin (CEO of Healthy Life Development Initiative). Post Views: 0