By Smith Nwokocha


@LANDMARK HOTEL PORT HARCOURT, FOR FIVE DAYS. (3rd October through 5th October, 2021). Time: 9:00AM-5:00PM


DAY2: The Programme was moderated by Mr. Nwankwo Steven (Chief Health Assistant/FGM Focal Person, Gender Branch/GASHE Division, Family Health Department, F.M.O.H).He was very instrumental in ensuring that the event runs smoothly all through the five days.

The Hon. Commissioner of Health in discussion with Team from FMOH and TWG

Started with an Advocacy visit to Health Managers/Policy Makers, which includes the Commissioner for Health, Rivers State.

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Welcome Address by the Permanent Secretary, Rivers State Ministry of Health, ably represented by Dr. Smith. In her address speech, she said: “We are charting on a cause into making history for the Health of the Adolescent during and after the meeting/capacity training; as we make quality contribution to the end of the Programme”.

Mrs. Wokoma Mbrema (Desk Officer, For The Adolescent SMOH) ; shared action plan on way forward for the Adolescent.

Partners present, promise to support as much as they can for the growth and betterment of the Adolescent group. Dr. Anslem Audu (Health Specialist/Officer in charge of UNICEF Port Harcourt, emphasized that, they will continue in sponsor the activities of the Technical Working Group For Adolescent.

Cross section of participants

Mrs. Francisca Osibe of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) Adolescent Branch; In her presentation, she highlights the objectives, which are as follows:

Conduct State level needs assessment, landscape analysis and prioritization of Adolescent Health problems in Rivers State.

To develop State level Political support and commitment.

To provide five days capacity building of health care providers at State and Local government levels for Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!).

To secure the engagement of key Adolescent Health and development Stakeholders on AHD programmes.

Dr. Christopher Ugboko , Head of GASHE Division, Family Health Department, FMOH passionately sharing thoughts on better ways to adopt interventions for the Adolescent

Dr. Christopher Ugboko (Director, Head of GASHE Division, Family Health Development, F.M.O.H-Gender, Adolescent School, Health and Elderly –G.A.S.H. E); Discussing on the topic: “Advocacy Brief on Adolescent Response”. The outline for introduction is as follows:

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Who are Adolescents?

What is their relevance in National Development?

The Challenges Adolescents face?

How Global, Regional amd National targets the Adolescents.


Adolescents belong to the period of transition from Childhood to Adulthood. This period, offers the opportunity for consolidation of the earlier health investment in the childhood years and for laying the critical foundation.

Who are Adolescents? 2007 National Policy on the Health and Development of Adolescent and young people adopted by UN definition of “Adolescents”; as individual between the ages of 10 –19 years. “Youth” as person’s aged 15 – 24 years.

Looking at the Statistics of the Population of Nigeria; 22% Adolescent Population and 78% as the rest of the population. We have 64 million people as young people.

Adolescents and young people are a major demographic force as they constitute more than fifth of the world’s population.

Ensuring quality health care services for the Adolescents and other young people is also critical to the Universal Health Coverage Agenda.

The African Youth Charter; the protocol to the African Charter on Human development.


Situation Analysis of the Adolescents Health conducted in 2018 by FMOH (Federal Ministry of Health); of the 1,987 cases of DALY per 100,000 obtained in 2007, one third is attributable to young persons.

A Study carried out in the South West Zone, indicated that over 20% of Adolescents reported suicidal.

Efforts at National Level

Policy formulation and Dialogues.

Resource Mobilization

Capacity Building

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Monitoring of Adolescents Programmes

Sharing Experience at Global Commitment

Adolescent Health Programmes

Adolescent Technical Working Group (TWG)

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M&E).

Expectations from Rivers State Government (RSG):

Provide support at State level and help secure L.G.A level political support.

Enhance the process of revamping State level Multi-Sectoral Working Group.

Facilitation of Participation of Partners.

Expected Outputs:

SMTWG revamped.

Built competences of the SMTWG

State priorities identified and State Level Implementation Plan Developed.

Necessary Capacity built.

Proposing For Adolescent Friendly Clinic:

We want the Government to understand what Adolescent friendly Clinic is. Also, for people to understand the Adolescents.

Development Partners

They assist the Government to achieve results.

Status of AHD Programming in the State and L.G.A’s:

Why a focus on Adolescent Statistics shows that 10-19years constitute 22.1% of the population.

Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA):

It helps countries to plan, implement and evaluate the Adolescents health’s programmes’ interventions in each country.


The meeting started with an opening prayer and started at 9: 15am.

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A recap of the previous meeting was highlighted by Mr. Dennis Etebo and a proper meeting minute was read by Mr. Wokoma and he was highly commended and a clap of appreciation was rendered on his behalf.

Rapporteurs were appointed by the Moderator (Mr. Steven). The appointed Rapporteurs are Wendy Wokoma and Smith Nwokocha.

Immediately, Mr. Steven dive into “Landscape Analysis”: He said, the essence is to look at Interventions, programmes and services available. Focusing on Existing Interventions, Programmes or Systems that supports the Interventions.

Then, each Group (Group1, 2 and 3), did a presentation of Landscape Analysis with a working Tea-break. A lot deliberation, and contributions from Group members and Dr. Christopher was very instrumental in adding up useful inputs that further clarifies the whole process of analyzing the Landscape contents which includes but limited by the existing Interventions in the State. The session was well managed and moderated by Mr. Steven.

We had an Energizer with moving the body with Coconut, which was anchored by Dr. Vetty and then, we immediately, moved to “Prioritization of the Interventions”, afterward, we had lunch and closing prayer from Mr. Dennis Etebo. The meeting officially closed by 5:09pm.

7th October Day 4: Group Work on Work Plan; which took the whole day (9:00am – 5:00pm).

8th October, Day 5: Opening Prayer by Mr. Nwankwo Steven at exactly 10:02 am and a recap of Day 4 by Mr. Kingdom Nwanyanwu and at the end of the presentation, he was applauded. The Group session resumed immediately on Work Plan, thereafter, each Group lead presented their work plan followed by break-fast and then lunch subsequently. The Chairman (Dr. Christopher Ugboko) always ready to guide the attendees on best ways to finetune and adopt the interventions postulated by the participants for a feasible work-plan. Closing Remarks from the Technical Working Group by Prof. Nwadiuto Akani. Group pictures and meeting came to end and reports and what’s next were unanimously agreed and concluded at about 4:35pm.

Group picture at the Office of the Hon. Commissioner of Health, Rivers State

#TWG #TWGForAdolescent. #FMOH #RSMOH #unicef #UnicefForAdolescent #worldhealthorganization #genderequality

Rivers State Government.
Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria
Rivers State Ministry of Health
Rivers State Ministry of Women Affairs – RSMWA
Rivers State Ministry of Youth Development
Rivers State Ministry of Education
Rivers State Ministry Of Information and Communication
UNICEF Nigeria
UNFPA Nigeria
UN Women Nigeria
World Health Organization Nigeria
The Challenge Initiative – TCI
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