In a bid to improve the capacity of her staff, volunteers and board members especially in the areas of sexual and gender based violence, Healthy Life Development Initiative HELDi, has successfully held a two capacity building training.

The high level training which was sponsored by Rise Up, took place at HELDi office in Port Harcourt focused mainly on equipping volunteers, staff and board members with the required knowledge to handle issues of sexual and gender based violence.

In her opening remarks, the Coordinator, Healthy Life Development Initiative, HELDi Dr. Mfon Utin said the training was a reality due to the benevolence of Rise Up, in ensuring that Healthy Life Development Initiative was able to deliver on her key mandate even as she continues with the project implementation.

She appreciated the sponsors, Rise Up for their valued support, commended the board members, and participants as well as the resource persons whom she described as seasoned professionals in their own field.

Dr Utin added that the training would be beneficial to all, urging all participants to be active and look out for something that will be of interest to them and the society at large while the training lasts.

A 2024 Rise Up Leader, who is a legal expert, Mrs. Jane Appolos, in her paper presentation on the Legal Aspect of SGBV, stated that SGBV are harmful practices directed at a person as a result of their gender.

She highlighted the dangers of engaging in sexual and gender based violence, and urged victims to have the courage to speak up.

Mrs Apollos identified gender based violence to include sexual violence, violence against transgender people, domestic violence among others.

In her own presentation, a Rivers State Health Educator, Doctor Diana Babbo who dwelt extensively on the topic, SGBV, Health Consequences and Implications on Victims, noted that medical implications of SGBV include organ damage, psychological problems, social stigma, unplanned pregnancy and many others.

According to her, types of gender based violence include physical violence, emotional violence, sexual violence, socio economic violence as well as other harmful sexual practices like female genital mutilation among others.

Doctor Dabbo stated that consequences of sexual and gender based violence can be physical, psychological, damage of sexual and reproductive organs, sexually transmitted deceases and other adverse effects.

She charged the participants to be in the forefront of the campaign for end to sexual imbalance which often paves way for sexual and gender based violence.

The training session also exposed participants to some basic techniques on Effective Communication for NGOs, importance of teamwork, in handling of sexual and gender based violence, proper understanding of the relevant laws, especially the Violence against Persons Prohibition , VAPP Law.

In a remark, a member of the board, Dr. Mrs. Immaculate Oyibo said the training was not only apt, but an eye opener for the board members, staff and volunteers working with Healthy Life Development Initiatives, HELDi.

Dr. Oyibo while appreciating the sponsors, Rise Up for standing behind the training program, congratulated all the participants in the training.

She described the training as added advantage to their desire to do the best in the quest to solve some of the problems associated with sexual and gender based violence.

Dr. Oyibo said the board will continue to ensure that those who are working on the major areas of focus in HELDi are properly equipped with the relevant skills to do their job.

With the successful training program, staff, volunteers and board members are now set for the field work in various communities within the local governments in their area of focus.

Highlights of the two day training were group discussions, role play, story telling session among other activities.