The international women’s day is celebrated globally on the 8th of march yearly. The unique theme for this year is ” break the bias”. We know that women play essential roles where ever they are. For instance, in their homes they play the role of keeping their families together, they are peace makers, joy givers and nation builders, etc. But, unfortunately, the potentials of many women are still limited and suppressed in almost all societies, especially in Africa. The women can achieve a lot more beyond child bearing, child care, domestic work and being in the kitchen as well, what our president had sometime referred to as the women’s duty posts. On the contrary, this statement is not true because we have women in the present day era who break the barriers of going beyond kitchen as duty post. For instance, Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala has achieved so much to the extent of becoming the present Director General of WOrld Trade Organisation (WTO). There are others also, who have dared to break barriers and have printed their names in the sands of time- Oprah Winfrey and many others too numerous to mention. The position of women in this generation has proven a lot women strength and capacities in carrying out their ordained functions and other positions of responsibilities in the society. Moreover, the support and backup of the wife of the president of Ukraine also demonstrate the strength and confidence of a helper to a man who is in a state of confusion. Women are the promoters of peace and unity in the society because of their inborn qualities tolerance, being attentive, accommodating, supportive, patience etc. These qualities help in promoting growth and development in their family and society. It is on this basis that the organization (Healthy Life Development Initiative) is delighted to make its views known and to join in celebrating the great women’s day.

We also advocate for women’s liberation always. By so doing, women will be able to break the bias existing within Africa and other countries of the world in terms of politics, culture, inequality and other forms of discrimination. The organization also advocates that women be given the opportunity to express their feelings at home, in their communities, at the national levels, politics and other social and economic development initiatives.
This will help in promoting nation building.Remember the wise saying that behind every successful man there must be a woman. Also the work of creation revealed that the world was not balanced until the existence of a woman. Therefore we can only have a fair society, positive changes when the women are given the free space to act and contribute immensely.
We are asking for the help of our men, fathers, friends, to help eliminate every bias against the women in every sector. But, in as much as we are seeking equality, inclusion, fairness, etc. We encourage women to act responsibly, be humble, respect the men most especially their husband and the men should inturn show them true love and support the women to achieve their goals. To the many men, fathers, brothers, uncles or husbands) out there, who have been very supportive and helping women break barriers, we say thank you. However, you can still do much more. Finally, if the women are reason to any successful and happy home, then we can be well assured that the growth of every nation lies in the hands of women. And if you cannot achieve a better home without a woman, it therefore means, there can be no better nation without women inclusion in all sectors. Thank you

Signed :

Dr. Mfon Utin (CEO of Healthy Life Development Initiative)